Why consider neck lift surgery?
Signs of ageing often affect the neck disproportionately in addition to upper and midface. These mainly tend to be double chin with excess skin, fat and banding. Neck lift is designed to reduce the effects of these changes and improve the aesthetics to a more youthful look. Neck lift may be performed as an isolated procedure or often as part of face-lift surgery.
Am I suitable for surgery ?
- There is no ideal age group for neck lift surgery. Good general health, psychological stability and realistic expectations are prerequisites.
What result can I expect from surgery?
- Neck lift significantly improves the neck contour by reducing the sagging under the chin, though some skin excess returns with time, the extent of which varies with the skin elasticity of each individual.
What results can I expect from surgery
- Neck lift surgery reduces fullness, banding, and appearance of double chin. As the neck skin under the chin acts like a hammock, sagging often returns, but is much less than before the operation. Complete obliteration of sagging is unlikely and should not be expected.
Limitations of neck lift surgery
- Patients with a small jaw and chin generally notice less improvement as compared to those with a strong jawline. Large amounts of skin excess is difficult to correct, as following surgery some sagging reappears.
Head & Neck Reconstruction
These include skin type, ethnic background, degree of skin elasticity and volume of tissue particularly fat, individual healing, and bone structure. Stronger bone structure gives better results. Adjunctive procedures such as fat transfer, liposuction, and laser resurfacing often improve the end result.
Surgical cuts vary depending on the individual patient and the desired outcome. Generally speaking two cuts are made, one around each ear and the other under the chin, all of which are hidden in the crease lines.
Excess fat is removed under direct vision for best results, and the muscle is manipulated to achieve natural neck contour. Excess skin is redrapped around the ear and trimmed appropriately and the incisions are closed as in facelift surgery. A head and neck bandage is applied which is removed five to seven days following surgery at a post operative follow up visit.
Mild pain and discomfort are common immediately after surgery. During the immediate recovery period we would like you to have the head elevated when lying down, and report any undue discomfort. All stitches and staples are usually removed within five to ten days following surgery. Recovery usually takes two to three weeks following which normal activity may be resumed.
Complications are infrequent and include but not limited to bleeding, severe bruising, fluid collection in the neck, infection, unfavourable scarring, nerve damage, and cosmetic irregularities.
Please ask all questions you may have, and ascertain that your questions have been answered satisfactorily before you proceed to surgery.
Understand that this is lifestyle surgery and not an essential operation and should be considered a major intervention.