Get rid of acne permanently
The most effective way to get rid of reoccurring acne is by going to its source under the skin and removing selected sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum which is what causes the acne. This treatment needs to be done over two days back to back with the first day taking 30-90 minutes and the second day taking about 30 minutes. If the sebaceous gland is removed, acne cannot come back in that spot again.
Day 1 consists of tiny micro-needles inserted into skin follicles and sebaceous glands with a monopolar radiofrequency that destroys the problem glands.
Day 2 is when a bipolar radio frequency current is applied to loosen impurities and debris in order to cleanse the skin. It is best to combine this treatment with a light peel on the first day. Once the sebum is gone, no new acne can form in that spot. Please note that this treatment does not stop acne that would natural form in untreated areas from coming. It is also very common for your body to temporarily increase the production of sebum for 1-4 weeks which can cause temporary outbreaks of small acne in other places. After about 1 month the body normalizes to the new and lower sebum level.
Treatment Time: 1 hour
Redness: None
Swelling: None